Tuesday 30 January 2018

Small and Medium Enterprises in Dubai

Small to Medium Enterprises or SMEs are business entities defined by their size and capacity. The elements that define these metrics can be categorized based on the number of employees, assets, gross revenues or mixture of one or more. These factors are further associated with the type of industry the company operates in. We will discuss how business setup in Dubai is facilitated with the help of UAE’s laws.

Why SMEs are Important to Economies
All and all, SMEs contribute a major percentage, making up majority of businesses in most economies. As an international hub bustling with business activity, Dubai is a renowned destination for entrepreneurs and investors from all around the globe. Sound policies, incorporation benefits and tax free zones are among the major attractions for SMEs in this part of the world. 

Generally, SMEs are more versatile, easily incorporated and company setup cost is lower than larger ventures. Since these companies dominate Dubai’s business sector, the government of UAE takes special care of these legal entities with lucrative laws and specific incentives to encourage more investment in the region. 

For decades, SMEs in Dubai have served as anchors, driving job creation, innovation, business models and prototypes. They account for an overwhelming 95% of enterprise population in Dubai and take on 43% of the total workforce. To ensure these companies remain intact and prosperous, the UAE government has taken certain measures to help growth and expansion of this sector in the most effective means possible. With the World Expo 2020 closing in, SMEs are expected to surge further more in Dubai.


Sunday 19 November 2017

5 Reasons an LLC Is Right for You

While there are numerous professions to go for, setting up an independent business is every entrepreneur’s dream. Every business setup in UAE requires a particular type of legal scaffolding to help it prosper without facing any intermediate hurdles. Using the right business structure to erect a company is imperative to its ultimate success in the market. One of these corporate structures is Limited Liability Company or more commonly abbreviated as LLC. In this article we will share 5 reasons why you should go for an LLCformation for your business

Avoid Double Taxation
First off, LLC gives you shelter against taxation. Many entrepreneurs and SMEs opt for LLC because it avoids double taxation. Under most cases of C-Corp business structure, the company and its owner are separately taxed each year. This is prevented in LLC formation since these setups are taxed more like a sole proprietorship.
Choose Your LLC Location
Most owners often face complications when finding a good location for their work space. A LLC formation helps the owner secure a work place in their near proximity instead of looking for a far distant place to run their operation from. You not only save on heavy taxation, but also avail a huge variety of serviced offices in the commercial district that can be used from day 1.

Easy to Incorporate Changes
Another great advantage of an LLC is its flexible system that facilities owners to easily add partners, sell interest, or make administrative changes. Unlike C-Corp, LLCs enjoy fewer restrictions on many levels that helps it to incorporate almost immediate changes in company policies. 

Easy Registration
Since LLC is a fast and simple company structure, almost every business can get register in various zones around UAE. For instance, a company needs to register for a particular business in UAE then it will contact a professional company setup agency and within a weeks’ time the license will be mailed at the owner’s doorstep. 

Asset Protection
Above all, a LL Company setup gives protection to the owner’s assets since very little can be done if anyone tries hostile acquisitions or mergers. After a satisfying period of growth, you can easily convert it into an S-Corp or C-Corp by yourself.

Sunday 15 October 2017

UAE Offshore Company Formation Benefits

Offshore companies are one among many registration methods used today to open a business presence in a foreign country. Recently, Offshore company formation in UAE has gained popularity due to fiscally sound policies, operational privacy, and powerful asset protection from the Govt. As a legal entity, offshore companies help investors and businessmen relocate their operations and internationalize their existing business. Over the last decade, UAE has established itself as a key player in the global company set-up industry and become an international business outpost for the region. 

Unlike many Gulf states, UAE runs an oil-independent economy powered by business and e-commerce sector. This has made its zones into fertile grounds for offshore establishment from all across the world. For investors, offshore companies are convenient tools to structure their business interests overseas and enjoy all the benefits from an asset-protection and tax-free standpoint. 

Protected by Govt.
Asset protection is essentially guaranteed by the government of the state/country. Anything that could damage, dispute or invade the assets of its protected is severely undermined by UAE Govt. This renders any biased foreign judgment useless, and the legal opponent is unable to pursue after the assets/property. 

Tax Exemption
Like most company formation structures in UAE, Offshore companies also enjoy a tax-free environment to operate. These entities do not require Business Trade License since their constitutional documents already serve as a legitimate proof of their presence. 

Financial records are provided full privacy internationally without any fear of scrutiny or legal action by the host country. Audits are kept a secret on the company’s discretion to shield it from creditors. These privacy protection laws are reinforced by Govt. bonds, heavy fines, and even arrest.

How Do You Check If the Company Is Registered in Dubai?

  It’s important to know what company you’re dealing with. Whether it has company registration in Dubai or is just shabby in its profile.  H...